The Delta Bombers; Slipcase (Schuber) only – Killertone UK Press.


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Artikelnummer: Killtertone-2-1 Kategorie: Schlüsselworte: ,


This is for the Slipcase (Schuber) only!

Now available!

set of 4 (57,99 €, Now available with autogrammcard and slip case)

Each Vinyl is LIMITED to just 1000 COPIES and that includes copies that come with this box set - Place your order before its too late! Buy all four singles and the slip case together and save money!

15 to Life / Wild and Free - 45 rpm

Cat. KT-3001

Fantastic Transparent Red Vinyl with Black splatter


Give em' All / Lovin' Hell - 45 rpm

Cat. KT-3002

Fantastic Transparent Blue Vinyl with Black splatter


Bottom of the Pack / This is the Night - 45 rpm

Cat. KT-3003

Fantastic Transparent Purple Vinyl with Black splatter


Save Me / .44 - 45 rpm

Cat. KT-3004

Fantastic Transparent Green Vinyl with Black splatter

PLEASE NOTE! This item is pre-order item and will not ship until 'Save me' and the custom slip case arrive around the 17th of October.